AI based innovation fund with traditional investment rigor.
GenInnov's investment philosophy rests on exploring AI-based innovation while maintaining traditional investment rigor.
CHECK fund terms
Our Philosophy
GenInnov foundational pillars
Invest in Material Innovations
Monetizable Profitable Innovations
Positive not Incremental
Transformative innovation, not cost cutting
Invest in innovation pioneers and front-runners
Innovation that can be scaled profitably
Invest in Material Innovations
Monetizable Profitable Innovations
Positive not Incremental
Transformative innovation, not cost cutting
Positive not Incremental
Transformative innovation, not cost cutting
Innovation that can be scaled profitably
A Global innovation wave led to a Global fund
Domain-Knowledge Based Investments
Recognizing that innovation is a space where nothing is a given, we understand that unsubstantiated expectations could prove costly. Unlike mere research, execution places more importance on processes and other ambient factors. Therefore, we steer clear of the excessive public market focus on short-term earnings, emphasizing long-term product and business development.
Uncovering Hidden Insights
We look past the superficial to identify the true winners of innovation, whether that means following the innovation supply chain to identify the companies controlling the choke-points or understanding the second-order implication of emerging trends. We focus on scalable, monetizable ideas that offer a more sensible seat on the innovation train.
GenAI in Investment Research
GenInnov integrates human expertise with AI technology. Our hybrid approach uses customized robotic agents with personalities to conduct research and automate financial modelling, supporting experienced portfolio managers.  This allows for portfolio micro-personalization and enhances efficiency and precision in investment management. We believe this is the future of asset management.
Decoding Innovation at the Source
We prefer to immerse ourselves in science journals and foster relationships with leading experts researching innovation instead of only broker reports and investment conferences. Our investment strategy is rooted in a deep understanding of cutting-edge scientific developments and their real-world applications. This approach allows us to gain unique insights and identify investment opportunities that others might overlook, positioning us at the forefront of transformative technological and scientific advancements.
Risk mitigation
Portfolio Weightage
Prime Innovators
~50% weight in portfolio.
Trustworthy, industry leaders, estd. & profitable innovations.
Sensibly valued.
6-8 stocks.
Specky Diamonds
~25% weight in portfolio.
Qualitatively like prime innovators.
Blemishes like lofty valuations, unproven leaderships, financial imperfections.
6-8 stocks.
Bold Bets
~17% weight in portfolio.
Daring bets.
High potential, but with risks.
6-8 stocks.
Future Frontier
~8% weight in portfolio.
Early stage disruptors, trailblazers.
Execution risk.
6-8 stocks.
Portfolio Weightage
Prime Innovators
~50% weight in portfolio.
Trustworthy, industry leaders, estd. & profitable innovations.
Sensibly valued.
6-8 stocks.
Specky Diamonds
~25% weight in portfolio.
Qualitatively like prime innovators.
Blemishes like lofty valuations, unproven leaderships, financial imperfections.
6-8 stocks.
Bold Bets
~17% weight in portfolio.
Daring bets.
High potential, but with risks.
6-8 stocks.
Future Frontier
~8% weight in portfolio.
Early stage disruptors, trailblazers.
Execution risk.
6-8 stocks.
Traditional ++
Sell Side
Corporate Access
Quarterly Results
Annual Forecasts
Sell Side
Corporate Access
Quarterly Results
Annual Forecasts
We believe in
Innovation Investments
Why not passive?
Passive investment strategies best in stable, growth environment.
Why not venture?
Venture investments are ideal with low copiability and when success rates are reasonable.
Why not private?
Private innovation investments where a single bright idea can cause network effect that creates a multi-period winner (ex:- Amazon, Google, Facebook, Uber etc.)
Why not just US?
A host of factors to cause many innovations to progress better globally.
Why not just tech?
True GenAI winners will be eventually downstream in applications outside tech, rather than upstream in AI creation.
Why not spray-and-pray?
Compounders, selected on the basis of fundamental investment principles, in a long-term growth theme like innovation.
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